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ItemA cagarra - newsletter of the zoological society of Cape Verde(Sociedade Cabo verdiana de Zoologia, 2014-12-08) Cornelis J. Hazevoet
ItemA segurança alimentar e nutricional em Cabo Verde(SNSA/MDR, 2013-05) Secretariado Nacional para segurança Alimentar
ItemA vegetação das ilhas de Cabo Verde( 2007-04-21) Duarte, Maria Cristina. Romeiras, Maria Manuel. Lousã, Mário. Costa, José Carlos. Salvador, Rivas-Martínez. Gomes, Isildo. Gomes, Samuel.
ItemAgronegócio( 2014-12) Ministério do Desenvolvimento Rural
ItemAppraising and selecting strategies to combat and mitigate desertification based on stakeholder knowledge and globalbest practices in Cape Verde Archipelago( 2013) Tavares,Jacques de Pina. Ferreira,António. Reis,Eduardo. Isaurinda,Baptista. Amoros,Regla. Costa,Lenira. Furtado,Adriano. and Coelho,Celeste.Desertification is the most disturbing and detrimental cause of rural vulnerability in Cape Verde, affecting families’ material and environmental resources. Combating desertification in Cape Verde is complex because it involves addressing a mixture of endogenous (manual agriculture, fuel wood and fodder extraction, land tenure and steep slopes) and exogenous drivers (high rainfall variability, climate change, prolonged drought or heavy rainfall). To address and mitigate the adverse effects of desertification, it is necessary to develop an approach that identifies and brings together all the key stakeholders affected by and acting on the desertification issue, including land users, policy makers, managers, researchers and rural development technicians. This paper presents a hybrid methodology based on global best practices, applied in Cape Verde. It combines experiences and skills of local stakeholders (farmers, local association of land users and local nongovernmental organizations) with scientific knowledge of external stakeholders such as technicians of the Ministry of Rural Development, environmental advisors of Municipalities and researchers. Integration takes place following a participatory process of appraising and selecting desertification control strategies. The paper presents the first results obtained from application of the hybrid methodology to Ribeira Seca, the largest watershed of Santiago Island. The approach was evaluated with local and external stakeholders. Both groups appreciated that they could voice their views and discuss ways to overcome barriers and also to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by jointly selected promising desertification mitigation options. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ItemAspectos específicos da biologia de milpés de Santo Antão( 2015-02-07) Nascimento, BeataA espécie Bandeirenica (Spinotarsus) caboverdus pertence a esses muito raros milpés no mundo, que atacam e prejudicam culturas agrícolas. Os danos às culturas agrícolas são provocados, principalmente, pelos juvenis de estádios mais avançados e adultos. O desenvolvimento desta praga é adaptado à época pluvial e à disponibilidade de alimentos durante o ano. Os factores abióticos constantes durante o ano não têm influência negativa na densidade populacional da praga. Por isso a descoberta e promoção dum efectivo inimigo natural de B. caboverdus em Santo Antão é de grande importância.
ItemAssessment and mapping the sensitive areas to desertification in an insular Sahelian mountain region Case study of the Ribeira Seca Watershed, Santiago Island - Cabo Verde( 2014) Tavares, Jacques. Baptista, Isaurinda. Ferreira, António. Amiotte-Suchet, Philippe. Coelho, Celeste. Gomes, Samuel. Amoros, Regla. Dos Reis, Eduardo. Mendes, Adriano. Costa,Lenira. Bentub, Jailson e Varela, LarissaThis paper presents the assessment and mapping of the Ribeira Seca catchment, an insular Sahelian mountain region sensitive to desertification, located on the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde. Desertification is a threat to the global environment, representing a serious ecological problemin Cabo Verde. To successfully combat desertification, an evaluation of desertification consequences is required and the building of cartography of the sensitivity for arid and semi-arid ecosystems is required as a first step. The MEDALUS model was the basis for this study in which six quality indicators were used: climate, soil, vegetation, land management, erosion and social factors. Several parameters were defined for each indicator with weights varying between 1 (very low) and 2 (very high). The geometric mean of each of the six quality indicators was employed to produce a map of areas sensitive to desertification. The results of this study show that more than 50% of the watershed show clear evidence of becoming a desertified area. ©
ItemAssociativismo e desenvolvimento local em Cabo Verde - notas sobre alguns percursos de revitalização rural( 2007-11) De Pina, Rita MariaEste documento faz a análise do associativismo em Cabo Verde nos territórios rurais da ilha de Santiago. Apresenta o estudo de caso de três associações comunitárias da ilha, focaliza os principais parceiros, as actividades desenvolvidas, o seu funcionamento e o contributo dos mesmos no desenvolvimento local/comunitário. A Analise comparativa demonstra uma proximidade dessas associações quanto a origem, (impulso da ajuda externa), objectivos e as acções desenvolvidas apesar de localizarem em áreas geográficas distintas. As acções desenvolvidas variam de acordo com a necessidade de cada comunidade e são desenvolvidas com base nos contratosprograma. A participação defendida como o ideal para a implementação dos projectos e o funcionamento da organização ficou explícita no trabalho de campo, que na realidade muitos dos membros não o exercem. Espera-se que este documento venha a contribuir para o conhecimento da actividade associativa em Cabo Verde em geral e na ilha de Santiago em particular
ItemCaracterização biofísica da Ilha de Santo Antão em Cabo Verde através de sistemas de informação geográfica e detecção remota( 2005) Rocha,Rosa & Aranha,JoséA caracterização biofísica dum território é extremamente complexa, devido ao elevado número de variáveis a integrar. Esta complexidade aumenta, quando o território em causa é uma ilha sob influência de ventos oceânicos (Atlântico) e de ventos continentais com origem num deserto (Saara). Face à multiplicidade de variáveis espaciais em estudo,passíveis de influenciar as características biofísicas na ilha de Santo Antão e com base em resultados anteriores que mostraram efeitos mútuos antagónicos ou sinergéticos entre variáveis, recorreu-se à utilização conjunta de tecnologias de: Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, Detecção Remota, e Análise Estatística Multivariada, como forma de modelar e de interpretar as diferentes zonas biofísicas da ilha de Santo Antão. As 29 variáveis em uso foram normalizadas e submetidas a um processo de Análise em Componentes Principais (ACP). Concluiu-se que, as 4 primeiras Componentes Principais (CP) resultantes explicavam 84 % da variância original, com especial relevância da variáveis: índice de vegetação, precipitação, altitude, temperatura, densidade hidrográfica, recursos hídricos, distância à rede hidrográfica e declives. Numa segunda fase, através de processos de Geoestatística, recorreu-se ao método de CoKriging para fazer a interpolação espacial, das variáveis seleccionadas através da ACP. O mapa resultante foi, posteriormente, submetido a uma Análise em Clusters, validada pelo teste “t de student”, com o objectivo de produzir um mapa de caracterização biofísica da ilha, baseado num modelo reprodutível.
ItemCharacterization of clays used for medicinal purposes in the archipelago of Cape verde( 2009-06) Gomes, C. S. F. , Hernandez, R. , Sequeira, M. C. , Silva, J. B. P.Amostras de duas argilas comercializadas para fins medicinais (alívio de afecções do foro gastrointestinal, tratamento de abcessos, furúnculos e feridas, assim como para afecções da pele e aplicações cosméticas), e vendidas numa loja de produtos naturais no mercado público da cidade da Praia (capital do arquipélago de Cabo Verde) foram submetidas a vários estudos de carácter experimental: análise granulométrica, análise mineralógica, análise química, capacidade de troca catiónica e catiões de troca, e ainda plasticidade, tendo em vista encontrar justificação científica para o seu uso empírico nas aplicações referidas. Uma argila, em termos de minerais argilosos, é composta por ilite dioctaédrica, enquanto que outra argila é composta, em termos de minerais argilosos, por esmectite dioctaédrica, ilite dioctaédrica e caulinite. Estes e os outros dados analíticos abonam a favor das capacidades curativas das argilas estudadas. As argilas estudadas revelam características semelhantes às de outras argilas naturais reconhecidas como possuindo propriedades curativas de certas afecções e que são tradicionalmente usadas para desintoxicação interna (particularmente no sistema gastrointestinal), para o tratamento de feridas externas e de diversos tipos de afecções da pele.
ItemConservation of oceanic island floras: present and future global challenges( 2010) Juli Caujape-Castells, Alan Tye, b , Daniel J. Crawford, Arnoldo Santos-Guerra, Ann Sakai, Katy Beaver, Wolfram Lobin, F.B. Vincent Florens, Monica Moura, Roberto Jardim, Isildo Gomes, Christoph Kueffer.Current threats to the planet’s biodiversity are unprecedented, and they particularly imperil insular floras. In this investigation, we use the threat factors identified by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment as the main drivers of biodiversity loss on islands to define and rank 13 current, continuing threats to the plant diversity of nine focal archipelagos where volcanic origin (or in the Seychelles a prolonged isolation after a continental origin) has produced a high degree of endemicity and fragility in the face of habitat alteration. We also conduct a global endangerment assessment based on the numbers of insular endemic plants in the endangered (EN) and critically endangered (CR) IUCN categories for 53 island groups with an estimated 9951 endemic plant species, providing a representative sample of the world’s insular systems and their floristic richness. Our analyses indicate that isolation does not significantly influence endangerment, but plant endemics from very small islands are more often critically endangered. We estimate that between 3500 and 6800 of the estimated 70,000 insular endemic plant species worldwide might be highly threatened (CR+EN) and between ca. 2000 and 2800 of them in critical danger of extinction (CR). Based on these analyses, and on a worldwide literature review of the biological threat factors considered, we identify challenging questions for conservation research, asking (i) what are the most urgent priorities for the conservation of insular species and floras, and (ii) with the knowledge and assets available, how can we improve the impact of conservation science and practice on the preservation of island biodiversity? Our analysis indicates that the synergistic action of many threat factors can induce major ecological disturbances, leading to multiple extinctions. We review weaknesses and strengths in conservation research and management in the nine focal archipelagos, and highlight the urgent need for conservation scientists to share knowledge and expertise, identify and discuss common challenges, and formulate multidisciplinary conservation objectives for insular plant endemics worldwide. To our knowledge, this is the most up-to-date and comprehensive survey yet to review the threat factors to native plants on oceanic islands and define priority research questions.
ItemControlo biológico da mosca branca de coqueiro (experiência das Ilhas das Comores)(INIDA, 2015-02-10) Nascimento, Beata
ItemCurrent status and trends in Cabo Verde agriculture( 2020-01-02) Montero,Felipa. Fortes,Arlindo. Ferreira,Vladmir. Pereira,Anyse. Gomes,Isildo. Correia,Manuel. and Romeiras,MariaWith climate change, drought is expected to increase, and its negative impacts will be particularly important in developing countries, usually with rainfall-dependent agriculture. The CaboVerde archipelago is characterized by limited resources, remoteness, vulnerability to natural disasters,and a fragile environment. In this study, we provide the first report of the current status and trends ofagriculture in Cabo Verde. We present data on the current performance of agricultural productionareas in these islands and discuss them in terms of their most important natural constraint, water. Also, assess the impact of institutional strategies on crop production and evaluate recent mechanismsthat have been engaged towards agrarian development in this archipelago. Our results show that, among the ten Cabo Verde Islands, Santiago has the largest area used for agriculture (52.5%), followed by Santo Antão (16%) and Fogo (15.8%), and that rainfed farming dominates in all of them. The staplecrops, such as maize and beans, are produced through rainfed subsistence farming, whereas irrigated crops (i.e., sugarcane, tomatoes) are mostly grown for commercial purposes. The prolonged drought periods, exposure, erosion and soil degradation, which led to increasing desertification over the last, have been identified as the main constraints to agrarian development across the ten islands of the archipelago. The strategies of Cabo Verde government to mitigate water scarcity throughsmall-scale irrigation based mainly on small dams and drip irrigation technology have a marked effect on agricultural production in the predominantly arid and semi-arid areas of this archipelago.
ItemCusto de produção de morango na Ilha de Santiago em Cabo Verde( 2015-02-14) Mendes, Adriano Augusto Furtado
ItemDiversity of ueful plants in Cabo Verde islands: A biogeographic and conservation perspective(Martina Pollastrin, 2022-05-15) Duarte,Maria Cristina. Gomes,Isildo. Catarino,Silvia. Brilhante,Miguel. Gomes,Samuel. Rendall,Aline. Moreno,Ângela. Fortes,Arlindo Rodrigues. Ferreira,Vladmir Silves. Baptista,Isaurinda. Dinis ,Herculano and Romeiras,Maria Manuel.Cabo Verde’s biodiversity is threatened by activities that meet human needs. To counteract this, an integration of scientific and indigenous knowledge is required, but no comprehensive list of the useful local plants is available. Thus, in this work, we assess (1) their diversity and phytogeogra phy; (2) the role of geophysical, historical, and socio-economic factors on species distribution and uses; and (3) potentially relevant species for sustainable development. Data were obtained from flora,scientific publications, historical documents, herbarium specimens and field work. Many species were introduced since the 15th century to support settlement and commercial interests. We identified 518 useful taxa, of which 145 are native, 38 endemic and 44 endangered. The number of useful taxa is correlated with altitude and agricultural area, as well as with rural population indicators, but not with total population or socio-economic indicators such as gross domestic product. Native taxa are mostly used for fuelwood, forage and utilitarian purposes. Agrobiodiversity and traditional practices seem crucial to cope with recurrent droughts and ensure food security. Most of the introduced species do not present conservation problems, contrasting with the overuse of some native taxa. The safeguarding of native populations will ensure the sustainable exploitation of these resources and benefit the local economy.
ItemDiversity of useful plants in Cabo Verde islands: a biogeographic and conservation perspective( 2020) Duarte, Cristina1. Gomes Isildo. Catarino, Silva. Brilhante, Miguel . Gomes, Samuel. Rendal, Aline. Gomes, Samuel. Moreno, Ângela, Rodrigues, Arlindo. Ferreira, Vladmir. Baptista, Isaurinda. Diniz, Herculano , and Romeiras, Manuel
ItemEfficiency of overland flow and erosion mitigation techniques at Ribeira Seca, Santiago Island Cape Verde(Tommy S.W.Wong, 2012) AJD Ferreira, J. Tavares, I. Baptista, COA Coelho, A. Reis, L.Varela and J. Bentub
ItemEvaluation of remediation recommendations stakeholder workshop 3º Ribeira Seca - Cape Verde(INIDA/ DGASP, 2012) Instituto Nacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Agrário (INIDA), Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária (DGASP), Ministerio de Desenvolvimento Rural (MDR)
ItemEvaluation of remediation recommendations: Stakeholder Workshop 3 Ribeira Seca, Cape Verde( 2012) INIDA, DGASP, MDR
ItemFungos associados a folhas de bananeira em Cabo Verde(INIDA, 2013-02-13) Furtado, Manuela